Historic Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ
Superintendent Ernest L. Fields, Pastor
Video Conference: www.zoom.us Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010
9725 Shaker Blvd. at Woodhill Road * Cleveland, OH 44104
Visit the Calvary Hill website at www.calvaryhillcogic.com
Adding Building Celebrating
Sunday School – Sup’t Betty Coleman
January 14, 2024 at 9 AM
Morning Worship Service
10:15 AM
Order of Service
Deacon Chad Fields, Facilitator
Note: Calvary Hill does not own the rights to the songs sung today.
Intro to Church and Welcome | Facilitator |
Song Led by Worship Team | "Hallelujah to the Lord Our God" |
Opening Prayer | Sister Maggie Pettigrew |
Song Led by Worship Team | "You Are Good" |
Message Scripture Text: Genesis 2:15-17, 3:4-5, Proverbs 2:1-6, Matthew 5:6 | Deacon Macio Singletary |
Sermonic Selection | Sister Denice Comer |
Spoken Word: "Living in the F.O.G. (Favor of God) The Wisdom Key" | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Invitation to Discipleship | Corporate Supplication |
Offering Prayer | Deacon Macio Singletary |
How to Give | Sister Marka Fields |
Announcements | Sister Juanita Mason |
Closing Remarks & Benediction | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Closing Song | All Worship |
Tuesday, January 15th is the date of our weekly corporate evening prayer meeting. Please tune in to the Zoom Communications Platform each Tuesday at 7 PM. Access details are the same as used for today. Prayer allows us to lean on the Lord and draw the strength we need to keep walking forward, growing and healing all the while…Let us pray.
Wednesday, January 17th Choir rehearsal will take place at the church from 6 – 7 pm. Contact Sister Joyce Barnes for more information.
Friday, January 19th Our amazingly awesome Biblestudy session will continue. It will convene from 7-8:30 pm on the Zoom Communications Platform. Access information is at the top of page one of today’s program. Tune in and learn about God’s redemptive mission and find more peace and joy.
For Food Assistance: To find the food pantry or hot meal site nearest a particular address, contact The Greater Cleveland Food Bank Help Center at 216.738.2067 to locate free local resources. Check the Calvary Hill website for more details.
Save These Dates:
Monday, January 29th This is the date planned for the next Pentecostal District Prayer Call. The call will convene from 7:30 pm – 8 pm on the No Cost Conference Call Communications Platform. Additional info TBA.
Saturday, March 2nd This is the date on which the ONFJ Workshop and Winter Call meeting will be held. Location and time to be announced.
Sunday, March 10th This is the date planned for the appreciation program honoring District Missionary Mary Ellen Penn. Service will be held at 3 pm at a Cleveland area church, location to be announced.
Wednesday-Saturday, March 20th-23rd Worker’s Meeting 2024 will convene at Maddox Memorial COGIC in Mansfield, Ohio.
Wednesday, April 24th – Friday, April 26th The ONFJ Women’s Convention will be held at Latter Rain COGIC in Mansfield, Ohio. Additional info will be forthcoming as the dates approach.
Thursday, May 23rd and Friday, May 24th Services of the annual Pentecostal District Meeting will be held 7:30 nightly at host church Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ in Cleveland, Ohio. Thursday evening is Women’s Night and Friday evening is the first Official Service honoring Pastor Ernest L. Fields as the Superintendent of Pentecostal District.
“Trust God More in 2024”