Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ
Hybrid Church…The Church without Barriers
Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor
Video Conference: Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010
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Adding * Building * Celebrating
Sunday Worship Service
October 9, 2022 * 9:30 AM
Order of Service
Deacon Chad Fields, Facilitator
Worship Song Led by Choir | "You are Good" |
Introduction to Church and Welcome | Facilitator |
Opening Prayer | Deacon Macio Singletary |
Worship Song Led by Choir | "Awesome God" |
Announcements | Sister Kimberly Smith |
Ministry of Giving | |
Offering Prayer | Deacon John Smith |
How to Give | Sister Marka Fields |
Message Text: Isaiah 46:8-11; John 8:32 | Sister Michelle Fields |
Sermonic Selection | Sister Joyce Barnes |
Spoke Word: "God's Timeless Truth" | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Prayer for Discipleship | Corporate Supplication |
Closing Remarks and Benediction | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Doxology | All Worship |
Sunday School - Sup’t Betty Coleman
Tuesday Please tune in to the Zoom Communications Platform for our weekly corporate prayer each Tuesday at 7 PM. This impactful prayer meeting is for everyone. In the words of a faithful hymn, “…It is no secret what God can do. What He’s done for others, He will do for you.”
Friday Our usual Biblestudy session will convene at 7 pm on Zoom. The focus is on the topic of gender theology—what the Bible says. Access details for Tuesday and Friday are the same as for today’s worship service. Tune in and find answers to questions that concern us and our place as believers.
Sunday Sunday School is immediately after Sunday morning worship service. All who can read or listen are welcome, no matter what your age is. Youth classes are on Sunday once again. Our superintendent Sister Betty says thanks for the prayers that have gone up for her and her family. Her rehab is going pretty good and she’s hoping for a speedy recovery. She doesn’t have a lot of pain until she does the exercises for rehab. And the medication for the pain makes her drowsy. She hopes to be online with us today. Please continue to pray for her. God answers prayer.
You Are Good by Israel Houghton
Lord, You are good and Your mercy endureth forever. (2x)
People from every nation and tongue…from generation to generation
We worship You…hallelujah, hallelujah!
We worship You…for who You are.
We worship You…hallelujah, hallelujah!
We worship You…for who You are...who You are…who You are!
You are good all the time…All the time You are Good. (2x)
You are good all the time…All the time You are Good. (2x)
Lord, You are good and Your mercy endureth forever. (2x)
People from every nation and tongue…from generation to generation
We worship You…hallelujah, hallelujah!
We worship You…for who You are.
We worship You…hallelujah, hallelujah!
We worship You…for who You are...who You are…who You are: You re Good!
Our God Is an Awesome God (Excerpt) by Rich Mullins
Our God is an awesome God;
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power and love.
Our God is an awesome God. (Back to the top.)
He reigns… He reigns… He reigns; our God is an awesome God! (Repeat)
Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (author unknown)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.