Historic Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ
Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor
Video Conference: www.zoom.us Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010
Visit the Calvary Hill website at www.calvaryhillcogic.com
Adding Building Celebrating
Sunday School with Sup’t Betty Coleman
9:00 am
Holy Communion Sunday
Worship Service
April 7, 2024* 10:15 AM
Order of Service
Deacon Chad Fields, Facilitator
Note: Calvary Hill does not own the rights to the songs sung today.
Introduction to Church & Welcome | Facilitator |
Song Led by Worship Team | "He's Able" |
Opening Prayer | Deacon Macio Singletary |
Song Led by Worship Team | "Jesus is the Answer" |
Holy Communion | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Message Text: Deuteronomy 1:1-3,5,8; 26:16-19 | Deacon John Smith |
Sermonic Selection | Brother George Sanders |
Spoken Word: "Living in the F.O.G - Remember" | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Altar Appeal | Corporate Supplication |
Ministry of Giving |
Offering Prayer | Deacon Chad Fields |
How to Give | Sister Marka Fields |
Announcements | Sister Kimberly Smith |
Closing Remarks & Benediction | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Closing Song | All Worship |
Tuesday, August 8th is election day; vote. Tuesday evening prayer will convene from 7 – 8 pm. Please connect with this prayer and be blessed. Access details are the same as those used for today and Fridays.
Wednesday, Septemer 6th Choir Rehearsal will convene at the home of Pastor Ernest and First Lady Iris Fields from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. For more information, contact Mother Penn at 216-970-1859 or see any choir members.
Friday, September 8th, Sup’t Ernest L. Fields will be preaching for the 7 pm service celebrating the 22n Pastoral Anniversary of Pastor Rufus and 1st Lady Freda Webb, at New Direction COGIC, 1337 Giddings Road in Cleveland, Ohio 44103.
***Sunday, September 17th*** We will be celebrating Sup’t Ernest L. Fields and First Lady Iris Fields for 35 years of service at Calvary Hill. Additional details will be forthcoming.