Historic Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ
Hybrid Church…The Church without Barriers
Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor
Video Conference: www.zoom.us Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010
Visit the Calvary Hill website at www.calvaryhillcogic.com
Adding * Building * Celebrating
Holy Communion Worship Service
June 4, 2023 * 9:30 AM
Order of Service
Deacon Chad Fields, Facilitator
Introduction to Church and Welcome | Facilitator |
Worship Song Led by Choir | "Blessed" |
Opening Prayer | Deacon John Smith |
Worship Song Led by Choir | "Be Ye Steadfast" |
Holy Communion | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Message Text: Psalm 23:1: "The Lord is my Shepard; I shall not want" | All Read Aloud 3 Times |
Musical Selection | Brother George Sanders |
Spoken Word: "Immanuel: My Shepard (Part 1) | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Prayer for Discipleship | Corporate Supplication |
Ministry of Giving | |
Offering Prayer | Deacon Al Burgan |
How to Give | Sister Marka Fields |
Announcements | Sister Juanita Mason |
Closing Remarks and Benediction | Pastor Ernest L. Fields |
Doxology | All Worship |
Sunday School – Sup’t Betty Coleman
Tuesday Our weekly corporate online-only prayer meeting will convene from 7-8 pm on the Zoom Communications Platform. The access details are the same as used for today. Prayer makes a difference in every circumstance and situation. There is nothing too hard for God.
Friday On Fridays we gather together for Biblestudy on the Zoom Communications Platform using the same access details as for Sundays. From 7-8:30 pm we actively pursue wisdom, greater knowledge and greater understanding of God’s Word. Tune in and find yourself blessed beyond measure.
Sunday Sunday School is immediately after Sunday morning worship service. Online worshipper remain online for the “Sunday School experience.” Youth classes are held in the small multipurpose room across the hall.
Save the Date:
-Sunday, June 4th Messiah Ministries is having Friends and Family Day this afternoon, Service starts at 3 pm. The location is 9009 Wade Park in Cleveland.
--Saturday, June 24th A Tea Party will be hosted by the Bethel Church of God in Christ (Elyria) Department of Women at 2 pm. $10 Donation.
-Tuesday, June 27th is the date for our next quarterly 4 am prayer.
--July 25--Ohio North First Jurisdiction “Christmas in July” in association with the ONFJ Holy Convocation 2023 to be held in Cleveland, Ohio.
-July 26-29—ONFJ Holy Convocation 2023, Cleveland, Ohio. Details are available on the Ohio North First Jurisdiction’s website: ohionorthcogic.org. Registration is now open.