Historic Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ
Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor
Video Conference: www.zoom.us Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010
Visit the Calvary Hill website at www.calvaryhillcogic.com
Adding * Building * Celebrating
Sunday Worship Service
July 23, 2023 * 9:30 AM
Order of Service
Deacon Chad Fields, Facilitator
Introduction to Church & Welcome- Facilitator
Worship Song Led by Choir- "99 1/2 Won't Do"
Opening Prayer- Brother George Sanders
Worship Song Led by Choir- "You've Been Good to Me"
Introduction to Speaker- Pastor Ernest L. Fields
Sermonic Selection- Deacon Al Burgan
Message Text Scripture- Deacon Macio Singletary
Spoken Word- Deacon Macio Singletary
Altar Appeal- Corporate Supplication
Ministry of Giving
Offering Prayer- Deacon John Smith
How to Give- Sister Marka Fields
Announcements- Sister Juanita Mason
Closing Remarks & Benediction- Pastor Ernest L. Fields
Doxology- All Worship
*Calvary Hill does not own the rights to this song.
Sunday School – Sup’t Betty Coleman
Prayer, Choir Rehearsal. and Bible study are canceled in light of the Ohio North First Jurisdiction Holy Convocation 2023. Cleveland is the location of this year’s gathering.
Sunday Today, Sunday School will convene immediately following morning worship. Youth class will held in the multipurpose room across the hall.
July 25th: ONFJ Christmas in July, 11am - 2 pm (Family First Village, 4600 Carnegie Ave.)
July 25th: ONFJ Townhall Meeting, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm (Holy Trinity, 7209 Woodland Ave.)
July 26-29: Please register to support the ONFJ Holy Convocation 2023. Registration is only $20. See First Lady Iris Fields today if you plan to register but haven’t. Note: Pentecostal District is one of the lead districts on July 26th . Please plan to attend the Wednesday evening service to support Superintendent Fields and to represent Pentecostal District. Women’s Night Service is Thursday. Official Day is Saturday morning. Check your emails for recent communications about the itinerary for the convocation. Additional info is detailed on the ONFJ website: ohionorthcogic.org.
Sunday, August 6 is the date of our next Full Church business meeting.
Saturday, August 26th is the date of the Elevation Celebration honoring Mother Sharon Blevins, Supervisor of ONFJ Department of Women. Additional details will be forthcoming,