Tuesday Night Virtual Only Prayer Meeting Agenda
* 7 – 8 pm * August 30, 2022
-Praise Reports
-Opening Prayer – Sister Nikki
-Scripture: “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him and bless His name.”
-Thank God for being more than enough. (All pray.)
Seek the Face of God
Thank God for responding to our prayers. Sister Yvette
Thank God for healing those who are or have been afflicted by COVID or any of its variants. Sister Juanita
Thank God for those involved in research and development of affordable medicines, treatments and cures for the prevention of and halt to the spread of infectious diseases and access to affordable healthcare. First Lady Iris
Thank God for plentiful supplies of clean water for life to flourish and be sustained worldwide and those involved in its sourcing, extraction, and distribution. Sis. Pat
Thank God for those who work diligently or find ways to supply food and medicine to needy people around the world despite war, famine, oppression, or disasters. Sister Karen
Thank God for laughter and the joy of life. Sister Kathy
Thank God for physical, spiritual, and emotional healing. Sister Rece
Thank God for Jerusalem and His blessings to that city and through that city.--All pray.
Thank God for His irrigation of the dry places in our lives. Sister Betty
Thank God for bringing us out of the wilderness. Sister Maggie
Thank God for being our strength every morning and our salvation in times of distress. Pastor Fields
Open mic for individual requests for healing, deliverance and other issues.
(Say it and pray it or ask that someone else pray.)
-Prayer of Care – For those who are or who have been victims of human trafficking and exploitation—thank God that the best is yet to come in their lives and speak blessings over their lives.
-Benediction --Pastor Fields