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9/4- Communion Sunday service Agenda

Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ

Hybrid Church…The Church without Barriers

Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor

Video Conference: Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010

Visit the Calvary Hill website at

Adding * Building * Celebrating

Holy Communion

Sunday Worship Service

September 4th, 2022 * 9:30 AM

Order of Service

Deacon Chad Fields, Facilitator

​Worship Song Led by Choir

"Praise the Name of Jesus"

Introduction to Church and Welcome


Opening Prayer

Deacon John Smith

Worship Song Led by Choir

"You Made a Way"


Sister Kimberly Smith

Ministry of Giving

Offering Prayer

Deacon Macio Singletary

How to Give

Sister Marka Fields

Holy Communion

Pastor Ernest L. Fields

Message Text: Isaiah 10:1-3,5; Isaiah 11:1, 5; 12:1-3

Sister Shuronda Treece

Sermonic Selection

Sister Joyce Barnes

Spoken Word: "Facing Truth About Us"

Pastor Ernest L. Fields

Prayer for Discipleship

Corporate Supplications

Closing Remarks and Benediction

Pastor Ernest L. Fields


All Worship


Sunday School - Sup’t Betty Coleman



Tuesday Please tune in to the Zoom Communications Platform for our weekly corporate prayer each Tuesday at 7 PM. This impactful prayer meeting is for everyone. Nothing is too hard for God.

Friday This week’s Biblestudy session will convene at 7 pm on Zoom. Access details for Tuesday and Friday are the same as for today’s worship service. Tune in and find yourself blessed, stronger and more spiritually fruitful.

Sunday Sunday School is immediately after Sunday morning worship service. All who can read or listen are welcome, no matter what your age is. Youth classes are on Sunday once again.

Save the Date:

Sunday, September 18th is the date we will appreciate and celebrate the pastoral service rendered by Pastor Ernest and First Lady Iris Fields at Calvary Hill since 1988. The celebration will begin at 9:30 am and take the time slot of our regular service and Sunday School. The celebration theme is: I HAVE A TESTIMONY (John 15:27). Auxiliary and band leaders are asked to please contact Sister Juanita Mason at 216-831-5431 for clarification of your assignment. Anyone interested in an after-celebration-service “Dutch” (you-pay-for-yours) fellowship meal at Angie’s Soul Food Restaurant, please text or call Mother Penn at 216-970-1859, ASAP. It is a blessing to be a blessing.

Tuesday, September 27th is the date of our next quarterly 4 am prayer.

Congregational Worship Songs Led by Choir – September 4, 2022

Praise the Name of Jesus by R. Hicks

Praise the name of Jesus; praise the name of Jesus!

He’s my rock; He’s my fortress.

He’s my deliverer; in Him will I trust.

Praise the name of Jesus.

Bless the name of Jesus…

Lift the name of Jesus…

There is none like…

You Made a Way by Travis Greene

Lead: Standing here…not knowing how we’ll get thru this test.

But holding on to faith, You know best.

‘Cause nothing can catch You by surprise…

You’ve got this figured out…and watching us now…

And when it looks like we can’t win…

You wrap us in Your arms and step in…

Everything we need You supply.

You’ve got this figured out; in You we put our trust.

Lead: Now we’re here…looking back at where we’ve come from.

Because of You and nothing we’ve done….

To deserve love and mercy You’ve shown.

Your grace was strong enough…to pick us up…

And You made a way.

When our backs were against the wall…

And it looked as if it was over

You made a way…

And we’re standing here only because You made a way.

Chorus: You made a way… when our backs were against the wall.

And it looked as if it was over…You made a way.

We’re standing here only because You made a way.

You move mountains; You cause walls to fall.

With Your power perform miracles.

There is nothing that’s impossible.

And we’re standing here only because You made a way.

Outro: You made a way…You made a way. (Repeat).

Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (author unknown)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him all creatures here below.

Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

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