Calvary Hill Church of God in Christ
Hybrid Church…The Church without Barriers
Elder Ernest L. Fields, Pastor
Video Conference:
Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 831 1215 6314 and Passcode: 832010
Adding * Building * Celebrating
Easter Sunday Worship
April 17, 2022 * 9:30 AM
Order of Service
Deacon Chad Fields, Facilitator
Musical Prelude/Intro - Music Ministry
Introduction to Church and Welcome - Facilitator
Opening Prayer - Sister Kathy Williams
Musical Selection - Music Ministry
Words of Inspiration - Sister Ruby Larry
Christian Education Presentations - Sup’t. Betty Coleman
Focus: Easter
Juniors - Sister Nikki Teddleton
Teens - Sister Iris Fields
Announcements - Mother Mary Ellen Penn
Ministry of Giving
Offering Prayer - Deacon Macio Singletary
How to Give - Sister Marka Fields
Message Text - Brother John Smith
Sermonic Selection - Music Ministry
Spoken Word - Pastor Ernest L. Fields
Prayer for Discipleship - Corporate Supplication
Closing Remarks and Benediction - Pastor Ernest L. Fields
Musical Recession - Music Ministry
Monday - The Pentecostal District Prayer Call has been planned for April 18th from 7:30-8 PM. The call will convene on the No Cost Conference Communications Platform. The call-in number is 712-432-3900 and the access code is 479637#. Our own Sister Betty Coleman will be leading one of the prayers. Please tune in, be a blessing, and be blessed!
Tuesday - Tuesday Night Zoom Prayer Meeting from 7- 8 pm. If you need it, here is the access information: video conference; conference call 1-301-715-8592, meeting id 8311215 6314; access code 832010. This impactful corporate prayer is for everyone.
Wednesday & Friday of each week, join the Ohio North First Jurisdiction state-wide prayer call from 9-9:30 am on the Zoom Communications Platform. Here’s the contact information if you need it, Video Conference:; Conference Call: 1-253-215-8782, Meeting ID 324 962 408, Passcode 647299.
Friday This week, Biblestudy will convene at 7 PM on the Zoom Communications Platform, the same platform we use on Sundays. We will continue our exploration Critical Race Theory and Kingdom Race Theory. Tune in and be blessed.
Sunday Sunday School for adults has been canceled for today. Youth classes are on various days of the week. You may contact Superintendent Betty Coleman for details about Sunday School happenings at 216-240-1727.
The Nehemiah Project: The Comprehensive Community Cleanup component of this project will take place on May 21st (from 10 am to 2 pm). Interested in volunteering? Contact Pastor Fields at 216-402-1818 or Mother Penn at 216-970-1859. Additional details will be forthcoming.
Save the date: Saturday, April 30th. Ohio North First Jurisdiction Bishop Edward T. Cook has called for a gathering of the women from across our jurisdiction at 11:30 am on that date in Mansfield, Ohio. (Site name and address will be forthcoming.) All women should plan to attend.
Feel free to visit the Calvary Hill website at